'Cause for the first time in forever
There'll be music, there'll be light
Not gonna lie, that was one of the things flowing through my
brain as I finished the exams of my first semester of college. Freedom. Sweet
freedom. Okay, I will say that I
loved this past semester; in fact, I’d say it was the best semester I’ve ever
had. So much happened, yet it went by so fast! Yet I feel like I’ve been at
Clearwater forever… and high school seems so long ago. It’s hard to explain;
you would just have to experience it for yourself. Though we all perceive it
Sorry. I’m rambling. That’s what I get for blogging when I
should be sleeping… (fun fact about Lydia—I ramble when I get tired. Okay, I always ramble. But I ramble A LOT when
I’m tired… back on topic)
There I am—the evening before college check-in. So physically I really don’t
look any different (aside from the fact that my hair may be a tad longer now
and I’m not quite as fit as I was in that picture), but I feel like a
completely different person. I know; that’s so cliché, but what else can I say?
That’s how I feel. God has grown me so so
much this past semester. He’s taught me to trust Him, to let go and embrace
the peace that comes with being His child. He has showered His blessings on me
in so many ways, daily reminding me of His care for His children. It’s amazing
how much one’s eyes can be opened to the work of God in his/her life.
God also allowed me to meet some of the most wonderful
people, even if it was just for this semester…
A special shout out
to one of the most wonderful people I met this semester: The Lovely Miss Laynie
Her father and
my father went to seminary together, and I met her dad when he was talking with
my dad the day of check-in. Mr. Brown told me that I needed to meet his
daughter Laynie in Emmons B. I said I would keep an eye out for her, but I
never thought we’d become such great friends. She showed the marks of a true
friend from the very beginning. We hadn’t known each other long before she and
another lovely young lady, Shelby Mistor, selflessly helped me out of a sticky
situation, and comforted me in my weak distress. I don’t think either of those
girls realized just how much that meant to me. Laynie was always there for me
after that. From boy trouble to study breaks, I knew I could go to her for
anything. She’s not coming back this next semester, and while that is a total
bummer for me, I know that God is going to use her in amazing ways. I can’t be
selfish, because I know that she’s going to shine for God where she’s going. (Selfishly,
though, I’m seriously considering kidnapping her. Okay, not really…. But really.)
This little stinker kept popping
up as I laboured over my
THRILLING Bio notes |

Through people like Laynie, God taught me to enjoy the life
He has blessed me with. But yes, this semester did push me—emotionally,
academically, and spiritually.There I am studying for my first Biology test. Over 200
flashcards right there. Oh yes, that was my life these past few months.
Learning to juggle my social and academic lives was interesting, though not
quite as hard as I feared . Sometimes it did mean sacrifice. There were nights
that sleep was sacrificed in order to spend quality time growing relationships.
Other nights it meant denying myself great opportunities in order to study.
Like Disney World. Yes, I said no to a night at Disney World so I could study
for exams (all the while Spotify taunted me with an add for A Very Mickey
Christmas at Magic Kingdom… and you know what? The next week I went to A Very
Mickey Christmas—so joke’s on you Spotify)
My first-ever picture with a Disney Character
Exciting times right there:)
Our sassy little Spotify didn't see this one coming!
Well, of course, neither did I... |
I recognize that this post is quite pointless and not very
fun of a read, but I had to give this semester it’s proper recognition. It was
a wonderful time; I now understand why they say that college years will be the
best years of your life. It’s a time of learning. Growing. Friendships are sown
and memories blossom. One could say that we’re learning independence, but, really,
I think what we’re truly learning (or
be learning) is true dependence on God. Our parents can’t be there for us
every step of the way. Sometimes decisions must be made and mom or dad can’t
come to the phone. But God is always there. He’s never busy. He’s always
willing to listen, and eager to aid us and teach us in His perfect way. Not our
way, but His. And I’m learning that even when His way is COMPLETELY different
than the one that I have mapped out, it is way more beautiful than anything I
could have planned. (and one thing I’ve learned for sure—I really need to stop
saying that “I will never do such and such…” God has a great sense of humour)
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