Friday, January 24, 2014

Friday Night Rambles ~ 1/24/14

That right there is a pretty accurate depiction of my semester. Hot tea and homework—specifically medical terminology homework. It’s a online class, and I hate online classes. I barely have time for it during the week, so Friday nights and all of my Saturdays are pretty much consumed by medical terminology. So many terms. So much medical. I emerge from my room after hours of studying and my unitmates probably think I’m broken or something. Seriously. It takes a lot out of a person! Hot tea makes everything easier though. I’m a total hot tea junkie now. I never even drank tea before college! Then college came and there was this cinnamon apple tea in the dining hall… That stuff. I would drink at LEAST three cups a day. At least. That was the gateway. It has all been downhill from there. And I have no regrets;) I have also gained the ability to drink coffee. I even like it. But I try to show a little more restraint in that area. Tea though? Nah. No restraints necessary.

Speaking of hot drinks…

I have so many mugs. So many. I love them. So much. And people give me new ones, and they’re beautiful, and I love them all! I tried to control myself when I came back from Christmas break, so I only brought one back with me…I think. Somehow I still have five mugs in my room, and my roomie is a mug person too. If you were to come into our room and just count the mugs, you would think there are several people living in our room. So many mugs. Two people. Do you see a problem here? Cause I don’t… We just decided we need to invest in a mug shelf or something.
Mugs are cool.
And so are pavas;)
My roommate spent last year in Argentina, so she is fluent in Spanish. It's super cool, I know. Be jealous. To my amusement, this causes her to speak Spanglish every once in a while. About a week ago, she came into our room and asked me,
“Lydia, is that your pava in there?”
“Uh… what?”
She immediately realized her mistake, but didn’t actually know what to call hot pots in English. Hot pots are now referred to as “pavas” in our room now.

These things are great
Of course, I'm an idiot,
so then they make for good food
AND good stories;) 

On the subject of hot pots, I’m officially an idiot.
My sister informed me that I can cook things in a pava. COOK THINGS! LIKE NOODLES! IT’S LIKE A REAL POT! But really, I didn’t know that. So the other night I made Thai noodles in my hot pot. Great plan right? Yea, it really was! I had a great dinner! But then my hot pot smelled like Thai noodle seasoning. -__- Thai noodle flavour is great for noodles—not tea water. I tried cleaning it, but that seasoning was some pretty strong stuff.
Then my moment of brilliance.
Why not put some water in the pava, add some dish soap, and let it boil? I mean, it’ll pretty much clean itself, right? Genius.
So I add the water, put in some soap, plug in my pava, and leave the bathroom. This can’t even go wrong. A minute or so later, I go back into the bathroom cause I can hear the water boiling. And boiling it was.
You know those movies where the girl has no domestic skills whatsoever, and she tries to do laundry, and the room turns into a mess of bubbles and insanity? Okay, imagine that, but on a small scale. Bubbles. BIG bubbles. Spilling over the pava… water going everywhere. So much water. Everywhere. The pava emptied itself of water. I desperately grabbed my bot, unplugged it, and tried to pour out the rest, but it had emptied itself.
Note to self: pavas become demon possessed when you put water and soap in them.
So yea, next time you’re tempted to think that I’m intelligent, just remember—no

Despite my domestic deficiencies and heavy workload, my semester is going quite well. It’s hard to have a bad time with God’s blessings around every corner and super fun people all around you.

For real. My friends rock.

Last semester I didn’t have a roommate, and that was totally God’s provision. Adjusting to college life and trying to survive Biology I?? I needed that room to myself. I spent so many hours in that room—studying, studying, studying, studying…
Then this semester, God gave me the best roomie ever! She’s awesome. And she’s about as obsessed with Christmas lights as I am… we rarely turn on our overhead light on. We just turn on our Christmas lights and the two lamps in our room, and that’s plenty enough light for us to do our work. It’s marvelous.

Also, my friends somehow don’t seem to mind that I’m a total freak. And I know way too much Disney music. And I forget that singing really loud in public is typically frowned upon.

Tonight at dinner, the cook started playing “Let It Go” over the speakers in Cathcart. My friends and I were in the solarium, so we didn’t hear. However, my unitmate, not willing to miss an opportunity to see me go all Disney-freak, came in and told me.
Disney concert. Right there. Of course I had to go out to the main part of the dining hall—where everyone was eating—to be able to hear the music so I could sing to it. Thankfully, I have wonderful friends that did it with me. We three then serenaded the entire dining hall, complete with motions.

That’s how you know you have the best friends ever.

I did get a little embarrassed… then “I See the Light” came on and they drug me out again… so we performed an encore. Yup. You’re welcome.  

So yea, college is pretty awesome. Maybe sometimes I only get two hours of sleep. I embarrass myself pretty much every day. I have stupid ideas. But whatever.

Times like tonight—those are priceless.
One of those great college times:
Blood drive:)
Share the power! 

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