Saturday, October 26, 2013

Rambles of an October Evening...

            I feel like I really need to be doing homework, but right now my mind just can’t handle that. I recently got done with two hours of work. Well, if you can call it work. The first half of the time I was card-swiping [AKA getting paid for swiping people’s meal cards (which, for an easily entertained person, is extremely amusing) and saying hi to people]. I have a hard time considering that “work,” because it was so fun. The second half, however, consisted of refilling the napkins and wiping down the tables. That’s all fine and dandy until everyone else leaves and you’re almost the only one still working. I’m not sure if it’s just me and my perfectionism that causes me to take so long or if I’m just that slow. Either way, I got back to my room slightly drained (this isn’t my normal job, by the way—I was substituting for a girl who got double-shifted, but I LOVED doing it!). In my determination to have a productive day, I headed straight for my Old Testament study sheet. That lasted until I got hungry (I really did not eat a legitimate dinner). I grabbed an apple, a jar of my natural peanut butter, and a fork, sat down at my desk, and opened my laptop. Enjoying my snack, some Owl City, and the cool breeze blowing through my open window, I began writing this. After the first sentence, my unitmate invited me to go sit with her in the bed of her truck. So here I am, typing away under the soft, fading daylight. Unfortunately, contrary to what we had thought, the bugs are still bad. We’re both wondering if this was such a wise choice after all.

Lab coat. One word: legit.
Extracted strawberry DNA. I mean, come on!
Am I the only one finding this AWESOME?!?!
College life. Ohhhh college life. I remember my sister telling me how fast college flies by. I remember thinking it couldn’t get much faster than high school—time was flying back then! Boy was I wrong! I can’t believe there’s only a month until thanksgiving break! Then there are only a couple weeks left of this semester. I’m so close to finishing my first semester of COLLEGE! Didn’t I just get here!?!? I’m enjoying every minute, though. Well, every minute that doesn’t involve studying for my infamous Biology class. I have to admit, though. Our Bio professor, as tough as she is, is very fun. I mean, she uses Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as examples, has us use play dough, and loves bubbles! What more can you ask for? She also is from South Africa, so her accent is awesome. I really do enjoy all of my professors, and I have been surprised at how NOT overwhelming this semester has been. Sure, Bio is pushing me to my limit, but, other than that, my classes are not that though. Also, my nerd side is totally LOVING Bio lab, so that helps.

Told you I have awesome professors. Jealous? You should be.
            God has been blessing me so much this school year. He has led me to some awesome friends, united me with old acquaintances, and grown me closer to people I already knew. He is constantly reminding me of His love for His children. When I have a hard day, something wonderful usually is right around the corner. Sometimes, those wonderful things are more than I could ever dream of! From spontaneous FREE tickets to a Rays game, unexpected visits from far away friends,  long walks around campus, or getting to give blood (yes, that was an exciting blessing), my life has been so full of fun surprises.

Wasn't sure if I was allowed to take pictures while giving
blood. Whipped my phone out as soon as those nurses
stepped out. I was not missing an opportunity to document

Rays game! HELLO!

I also live on a beautiful campus. God is teaching me to appreciate Florida and its crazy weather. Yes, I still desperately miss having seasons (and more colours on the trees than green), but when it’s “sunny with a high of 75,” the perfectly cool breeze is kissing my cheek, and the birds are singing overhead, it’s easier to forget that the tree overhead will always be green. Not to mention the sunrises/sunsets! Oh.My.Glory. Some days, on my way to breakfast (usually only if I’m late to breakfast, because I usually beat the best of the sunrise), my breath is stolen by the sky overhead. The sunsets are just as glorious. I live at a beautiful place. And we’re minutes away from the beach! (not that I go all that much… but still… the opportunity is nice) I'm learning to enjoy every minute that God is giving me at this wonderful college. I will quit these rambles with some very appropriate words from Relient K:
"It's funny how you find you enjoy your life when you're happy to be alive."

Friday, October 4, 2013

Things College Has Taught Me

I hit 15, so I think it's about time to post part 1 of my "Things College Has Taught Me" list-- a list of serious and silly things that college has taught me thus far. Some of these are specific to Clearwater (marked with an “*”), but others may apply to other college experiences as well. Some of these require the reader to know/understand me enough to catch my sarcasm and sass, so watch out for that;). More shall be added in the future, but it’s about time for this list to be publicized. It is, after all, one of the contributing factors to me starting the blog to begin with! Enjoy!

Things College Has Taught Me: 
  1. Many high school teachers must have had terrible college experiences.
  2. It is completely normal to sit through an entire meal with a person, and even hold legitimate conversations with said person, without ever learning the other's name. Because, for some reason, it is so much less awkward to converse with a person without any idea of who they are than to branch out and ask the simple question, "what is your name?"Yea. so much less awkward. ???
  3. *If it's dinner time, it's probably raining. If it's not raining yet, it will. 
  4. *You can get to anywhere at campus from anywhere at campus within two minutes. If you can’t, stop walking so slowly. I’m in platform heels dude. No excuses. 
  5. Professors can do whatever they want. And it’s fabulous. Most of the time. 
  6.  Flashcards are your friends. 
  7. *If you’ve never felt like you’re about to face a dragon with a plastic fork and a squirt gun, you’ve never taken one of Dr. Peter’s Bio tests. 
  8. The more critical the task in front of you, the more important and urgent other things suddenly become. Like painting your toenails. Or cutting off your split ends one by one. Or making this pointless list. Or sleeping.
  9. One would think that the odds of the heel of one’s shoe finding every individual crack in the sidewalk (and fitting neatly inside of said crack) would be pretty low. wrong. If wearing high heels, a girl can safely assume that her heel will slip into all the divisions in the sidewalk. It doesn’t matter how well you walk in heels, darlin’. Be prepared to catch yourself. (but practice does help, so don’t be discouraged!)
  10. Don’t Facebook stalk a student that you haven’t met. It creates a terribly awkward situation when he/she finally does introduce himself/herself, and you’re just thinking, “Yea. I already knew your name. And your last name. And your date of birth. And how many siblings you have. And your cat’s name.. is your grandmother feeling better?” 
  11. *There are two levels of internet stalking: Cougarweb stalking and Facebook stalking. Cougarweb stalking is typically acceptable and pretty much expected. As for Facebook stalking... a line has been crossed. 
  12. *Florida smells bad. All the time. Especially after it rains. Which is everyday. So all the time. 
  13. Very soon after arriving at college, things like making tea in the bathroom no longer seem weird. In fact, they seem completely normal, and you forget that such things ever would have seemed weird in past. 
  14. When you’re so tired that you can’t walk in a straight line anymore and you feel as if your brain is floating somewhere above your head, it’s time for sleep. Just give up and give in. 
  15. *Unless you want to feel like Saul on the Damascus road, always put on your sunglasses prior to leaving Dambach 101 on a sunny day. 
*specific to CCC